Thursday, January 28, 2010


Whore. Stone High Femme. Princess. Performer. Queer. Cupcake. Lover. Wife. Slut.


I am beloved. I am liquid heat at the touch of the Prince who loves me. I am slut on my knees begging for cock. I am Princess fragile and strong and fierce and as breakable as glass. I am performer, hurling my sex and desire from the mic, weaving it into words that you carry with you whether you wish to or not ;). I am Queer, worshipper of Butches, that incredible masculinity that brings me to my knees, lays me on my back, legs open, ready. Ready. I am his cupcake, sweet and cream and desiring only to please him. I am Stone Femme, a lover who reciprocates in ways that are not subtle nor delicate nor passive; ways that are rather an explosive dance between us, a dance that flows effortlessly and passionately, a dance of trust and desire. I am wife, my devotion to him a savage tenderness that consumes me.

And I am whore, my pleasure coming from his pleasure, my pleasure coming from knowing I am pleasing him. I offer myself to him, the choices around fucking his entirely, an offering given and received. When he wants, I come. Without hesitation, I come. What he wants, I do. When he asks, I comply. My answer? My answer is always "yes."


I am beloved, cherished, adored, beloved.